do you know about the hacks of Preventing Your Dog from Escaping the Yard?

If your dog keeps escaping the yard, it’s important to take action. With a few simple changes, you can ensure your stays safe and happy in your yard. Here’s how to prevent your dog from escaping.
1. Add an Inward-Tilting Section to Your Fence
One effective way to stop your from jumping over the fence is by adding a section that tilts inward. This prevents them from finding a way to clear the top.

2. Install an L-Footer at the Bottom
Dogs love to dig, so make sure your fence is secure at the bottom. Attach an L-footer that extends underground to stop your from digging their way out.
3. Clear Climbing Aids Near the Fence
Anything your can use to climb, like piles of wood, trash cans, or furniture, should be moved away from the fence. This removes any boost they need to escape.

4. Plant Shrubs or Hedges Inside the Fence
Adding some greenery, like shrubs or hedges, along the inside of the fence creates an additional barrier that makes it harder for your dog to jump.
5. Install a Double Gate
A double gate is a great way to prevent escapes during entry or exit. It requires visitors to close one gate before opening the next, keeping your safe.

6. Create a Dog-Friendly Sanctuary
Lastly, make your yard a fun, comfortable space for your pet. Provide plenty of water, shade, and toys to keep them entertained and happy, reducing the urge to escape.
By following these steps, you can keep your dog safe and secure at home.